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100% US CPA topper in India are from Simandhar

B. Com graduates, you are now eligible for US CPA exam. Your global career starts here!

(Bridge Course)

CPA Exam = 120 Credits
CPA License = 150 Credits

CPA Exam = 120 Credits
CPA License = 150 Credits

Jobs at Big 4 & MNCs in India.

Our Alumni work at

Grant Thornton

Why You Might Need a CPA Bridge Course

Students with a 3-year Bachelor's degree have 90 credit hours, but 120 are required for the US CPA exam. Our Bridge Course fills this gap, making you exam-eligible just with course enrollment!

What is a CPA Bridge Course?

It is a 1-year course gives 40 US credits that teaches aspirants about various domains like accounting, law, financial management, and economics. This course will allow the students to meet the minimum credit requirements and also later obtain their license.

Benefits of the Course

7000+ US CPA enrollment

6 world toppers

5000+ students placed at big 4 and Top US MNCs

Eligible for exam just with enrollment

2000+ licensed CPA

Bridge Course Details

Approved by AICTE

Approved by AICTE/NAAC

Anywhere, Anytime Learning from Best Faculty

Anywhere, Anytime Learning from Best Faculty

Online & Face to Face Sessions

Online & Face to Face Sessions

Contemporary Course Curriculum recognised by Industry

Contemporary Course Curriculum recognised by Industry

24X7 Access to Course Material archives

24X7 Access to Course Material archives

Placement Support with Simandhar Education post completion of US CPA

Placement Support with Simandhar Education post completion of US CPA

US CPA Interigated Bridge Course

Post Graduate Certificate in Management Public Accounting

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Post Graduate Certificate in Management Finance

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M.Com US – Accounting and Taxation Program

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Public Accounting course structure

Semester 1

Subject Code

Subject Name


PA01Financial Accounting4
PA02Management Accounting4
PA04Federal Income Tax4
PA10International Economics4

Semester 2

Subject Code

Subject Name


PA07 Business Finance4
PA09Business Law4
PA11International Economics 24
GM 100Project Work (Accounting Research)8

The Credit for - Public Accounting Program

Programme Structure

Number of paper/courses offered under the Category


Semester 1 Courses/papers55x4=20
Semester 2 Courses/Papers33x4=12
Capstone Project WorkEquivalent to 2 papers2x4=8
TOTAL10 Papers40 Credits

Finance course structure

Semester 1

Subject Code

Subject Name


FM03Security Analysis & Portfolio Management4
FM04International Financial Management4
FM06Management of Financial Services4
FM09Project Appraisal & Finance4

Semester 2

Subject Code

Subject Name


FM07Option Future & Other Derivatives4
FM10Strategic Cost Management4
GM100Project Work8

The Credit for - PGCM Finance

Programme Structure

Number of paper/courses offered under the Category


Semester 1 Courses/papers44x4=16
Semester 2Course/Papers22x4=8
Capstone Project WorkEquivalent to 2 papers2x4=8
TOTAL8 Papers32 Credits

Program Fees For Public Accounting

Program fee - INR 35,000/- for Indian Citizen and $550 for Foreign enrollments.

Fee Particulars

Fee in INR

Total Programme Fee (Module 1 and Module 2)₹ 34,000 + Admission fee INR 1,000 (Indian) $500 + Admission fee $50 (Foreign)
Exam fee₹700 per subject applicable $10 per subject applicable

Program Fees For Finance

Fee Particulars

Fee in INR

Total Programme Fee (Module 1 and Module 2)₹ 34,000
Exam fee₹700 per subject applicable

M.Com US – Accounting and Taxation Program

60 Credits

Timeline: 2 years

Approved by state board

Just with enrolment will be eligible for exam

Integrated with US CPA

The Credit for M.Com USAT

Semester 1

Subject Name


Managerial Accounting5
Business Economics - I4
International Auditing – I4
International Taxation – I 5

Semester 2

Subject Name


Advanced Financial Accounting5
Business Economics- II4
International Business Finance - I5
International Auditing - II5
Business Law5

Semester 3

Subject Name


Financial Accounting & Reporting - I4
International Business Finance - II5
International Auditing - III4
International Taxation - II5
Information Technology for Business5

Semester 4

Subject Name


Business Environment and Managerial Economics5
International Business Finance - III5
Corporate Governance, Business Ethics and Communication 5
International Taxation - III5
Research Project and VIVA8

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ's)

Yes, once he registers with the bridge course, he can sit for CPA exam and meet CPA eligibility.

yes, as the bridge course will give them 60 credits and thus making them eligible to sit for CPA exam in India.

Great news !!! as Course is integrated with CPA, hence you don’t need to study anything additional and sit for CPA exam in India.